Monday, October 23, 2017

Tourists in Dubai take notice.

There are many tensions in Arab countries, be they Shi'ite or Sunni. Daesh has set up suspicions of every person within ten feet of each other. The one way to distinguish those of 'the faith' and those of the toxic variety Daesh practices is to set up a fraud proof social conduct code. That may be what happened here.

October 22, 2017
By Will Worley

...He has already suffered tremendously (click here) as a result of these allegations, and now faces the likelihood of incarceration.

“His family was unable to visit him during this critical time because they faced a very real risk of imprisonment themselves under the UAE’s cyber crime laws which forbid criticism of the government.

“At this point, Jamie will definitely be pursuing civil action against his accusers when he does eventually return home, as it appears that he will not be able to find justice in the UAE.”

She added: “He feels betrayed and exploited by the system, which did not investigate the reports of key witnesses in his defence and led him to believe that the case would be dropped.”...

The UK is not seen as a place exempt from Daesh violence. The police are always tracking or chasing down someone suspected of a potential attack. So, in the case of tourists, the least action of insulting behavior will propel reports to the local authorities. To the observer, who knows if the person insulting the other through touching or body language isn't the police themselves in suspicion of a citizen.

I think travel into some countries in the Muslim realm may be risky at best. If the tourist doesn't understand social conduct and it's enforcement then don't go. It is a serious issue and should be understood to avoid misinterpretation and unanticipated interruptions in travel plans.

The Muslim world is winning the charismatic war of Daesh. They must be doing something right.

Dubai, of all countries, is under scrutiny by most of it's peers. While, The West, believes living life as if nothing is wrong is the best path for anyone in the face of such hatred as Daesh, it may be imprudent to believe so.