Friday, September 15, 2017

There is at least one American that can recognize this political platform.

Any guesses as to whom that might be? The name of the party is magnificent. I don't know why it is not the political party name today.

1. Government ought to move in the direction of assuring that the wealth and resources of the world will be used to provide a materially secure life for all people on the planet— including opportunities for universal health care, quality child care, and education from birth to death—simultaneously preserving the planet and its resources for future generations.

2. Democracy should exist at all times in all the processes of society.

3. Everyone should have the right of choice and privacy, free from government interference, as long as these choices do not negatively infringe upon or cause personal harm to others.

4. Everyone should have socially productive and personally satisfying work available and a universal basic income (UBI) generating a real sense of security.

5. Everyone is entitled to a fair rate of return for their labor and that rate of return should be the same for everyone.

6. All genders should be treated with respect and dignity having equal rights and sharing equal responsibilities.

7. Senior citizens are valuable and important members of society and should have the right to meaningful participation in society, free from economic deprivation.

8. Nuclear power is intolerably and incurably unsafe. We oppose the existence and construction of nuclear power plants. It is imperative that all nuclear power plants be decommissioned immediately in the least hazardous manner, with environmentally responsible clean-up of all nuclear waste and all resulting costs borne by the investors. We further demand that research, production, testing, deployment and sale of ALL weapons including nuclear, depleted uranium, biological, chemical and reactor waste immediately cease. We demand a universal conversion to alternative renewable energy sources.

9. It is wrong for any country to take advantage of the labor and resources of any other country.

10. Utilities, communication services—internet and phone, and transportation services, are necessities which must be available and affordable to all....

Here is the answer:

11. The following (click here) “Declaration of Independence from Government Dictation of Conscience” is an historic document of the Liberty Union Party. It was written in the throes of the “American War in Vietnam,” during the era of the so-called Cold War with the (then) Soviet Union. The language reflects this context. 

US Senator Bernie Sanders if very familiar with the "Liberty Union Party." This is their platform. 

Ah, to be an American.