Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The President's Voter Fraud Panel is wasting money. This task can easily be conducted with far less potential for fraud and opining by asking the people that work the polls to answer questionnaires and supply statistics and demographics.

I also question whether demographics need to be addressed so much as the number of voters vs. non-voters. Once there is an understanding of the percentage of non-voters is known, the reasons that might be obstructing the vote can then be examined. 

I think each voter should be anonymous rather than exploited to prejudice the vote.

Public Comment can be collected in the same manner it is collected for any other issue before it.

The questionnaires, statistics and public comment can be compiled into a comprehensive report that reflects the understanding and concern of voter fraud in the country.

The current President Panel has no recognizable methodology, is invalid and easily litigated. 

The US Congress needs to address gerrymandering, BEFORE, it is an issue yet again at the time of balloting.