Monday, September 18, 2017

Bermuda is taking a beating from Jose. It is just below the northeast winds.

September 17, 2017

This is a developing weather story. (click here)

Bermuda could be the next victim of a strong hurricane with longevity. Bermuda is an island no different than the Leeward Islands. All these people, including Puerto Rico, are suffering under this climate.

Currently, Bermuda is building clouds and has temperatures in the 80s. There are severe storms expected there by afternoon and continuing. There is no anticipated break in those storms until Jose dissipates or moves north.

This is a new paradigm for Bermuda. It has never been exposed to sustained rain and winds. It rarely gets a hurricane to pass over it. Bermuda infrastructure is good, but, it is no different than the Leeward Islands in it's ability to stand against sustained wind and rain. 

The people of Bermuda are at risk as of right now.

CURRENT wind speed over Bermuda is already 30 mph.