Monday, August 28, 2017

The Climate Crisis should have a petroleum industry tax for emergencies globally.

I don't know why the American people have to bailout Texas. The petroleum industry and it's billionaires should be setting up a Texas Trust Fund as I write this.

There is not a major oil company without offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and use the refineries along the Gulf coast. Time to "Ante Up."

They can start with a $20 billion fund!

Patrick S. Tomlinson on Twitter (click here)
Katrina was called a 100 yr Storm.
Sandy was called a 100 yr Storm. Now Harvey is a 500 yr Storm. They were all in the last twelve years.

People get it. However, they are also victims of the petroleum industry when a country's economy is based on capitalism. There needs to be a huge paradigm change. Now. It can start with public transportation. The car industry needs to get electric as soon as possible in a much bigger push.

That dependency on the petroleum industry is all part of a picture that defeats humanity. God doesn't exist in an oil refinery no matter how much anyone prays.

These huge shifts in power require government. It is why Trump's politics focuses on the Obama presidency as well as his base of White Supremacists. But, President Obama pushed the USA into clean alternatives for eight years.

Humanity cannot fall back into the status quo no matter how easy it is. Currently, there is an assault on the Amazon by a President that saw the impeachment of President Delma Roussef. President Michel Temer is feeding his cronies. Roussef backed the efforts to fight the Climate Change. There are power players everywhere trying to return to old paradigms. People have to resist and push back.