Tuesday, August 22, 2017

"...Presidents come and go, but, policies stay. The Executive Director of Human's Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, said just a few days ago...we are seeing the rise of a new kind of leader in different countries around the world, a more authoritarian leader who sees rights not necessarily as a good thing, but, as a barrier to implement the will of the majority...."

Christian Evangelicals have missions in nearly every country around the world. They are wealthy and want their ideology to be confirmed. A hot planet with dying corals plays right into their dialogue.

Except for the few cities in Texas that are Democratic; the state is run by Christian Evangelicals. They finance all the Republican elections. The State of Texas has the highest rate of maternal deaths in the country and it just spiked this past year since the closing of the abortion clinics.

The Christian Evangelicals own the politics of the State of Texas. Now. Who owns the world? And how are they financed? The petroleum industry.