Thursday, May 11, 2017

Is it true? Is Michael Moore one of the riders of the apocalypse? Some at the Traverse City Film Festival believes it might be so.

Michael Moore will be doing the impossible; he'll be in two places at once. It will be quite a trick when he carries it off.

...So here's my contribution: I've written a one-man play, a piece of original theater that I will perform on Broadway this summer to people visiting from Iowa to Oregon to Virginia (and for those who call New York home). It's not "Cats" or "Mamma Mia!" but it is live, it's on a stage and I'll be saying and doing things each night that I've been wanting to say uncensored for some time. And I'll be doing it in the city that is the seat of corporate power, the headquarters of Wall Street, the epicenter of our media and that wonderful home of free expression we call the American theater. This show will be subversive and funny and it'll be unlike anything I've ever done. I think you're really going to like it!...

Mr. Moore put your latest email on the State Website under "Mike's Letter" so everyone knows where you are during the festival.


Congratulations, Michael! I think it is great. He has been moving in the direction of a one man show for awhile now. While there was a "Winter Festival" he put on a stage production that was at least an hour in length if I recall. So, this venue is a move where Michael Moore has wanted to take his talents. 

He is very talented. He is quite an artist. He paints in oils, I think. He composes documentaries, rights comical scripts, sings (especially Irish songs), writes books and is a magnificent master of ceremonies every year at a film festival that sponsors independent filmmakers from all over the world. It is also a platform for young artists. As a matter of fact anyone who has a 'short' (click here) they want to have viewed by the master can send it to the festival. The submissions have to be in by May 15th. Send it overnight and hurry.

November 16, 2017
By Sean Martin

There is a one in 500 chance (click here) there is a global catastrophe on the horizon which will spell the end of humanity, according to a leading statistician.

A new report claims that there is a 02. percent chance the an apocalyptic event will happen this year, leading to the end of the world.


University of Barcelona mathematician Fergus Simpson says that as the population continues to increase, the chance of humanity being wiped out increases.
The report is based on the theory of the Doomsday Argument – a theory that essentially states that as humans are born in the random order, one person is born roughly in the middle....

Michael Moore does not know there is trouble with staffing for the festival. Everyone involved with TCFF is talking about going to the opening and then a day or two afterward. It is the end of the world for some witnessing the "Exodus (click here)."

I am thinking the festival needs a formal "Master of Ceremonies."

Tickets for the New York Show (click here)

Seriously, there needs to be a simulcast at the TCFF venue. Perhaps the "Open Space." LOL. But, seriously there needs to be an opening night simulcast at "The State" and "The Bijou." 

Good luck, Michael. I find your ambition most admiral and I wish you the best. I am sure the entire group involved with TCFF and the theaters feel the same way. I hope it is a hit to your satisfaction.