Monday, November 21, 2016

The FBI's damage to the Democrat Party was palpable.

This is not sour grapes. This is not the brilliant RNC. This is only one opinion I stated, but, it is completely reflected in polling agencies all over the country. This is just an example. This opinion of this media service was stated either the same day or the day before I did.

November 8, 2016

...After suffering a bloody October, (click here) where all of the business mogul's positive momentum from September was undone, he climbed again in the national polls over the last two weeks of the campaign, while Clinton faltered following a series of deeply damaging headlines, most notably the reopening of the FBI's investigation into her private email server. Trump goes into election day edging out Clinton in some key battleground states, including Nevada and North Carolina, and leads by 3 or more points in Iowa, Arizona and the traditional swing state of Ohio. The tightly contested swing state of Florida is a virtual dead heat, with Trump barely edging Clinton by 0.2%. He has also closed the gap significantly in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Michigan, but remains down by 2, 3 and 3.4 points in the states, respectively....

At the time Donald Trump became a candidate for President I stated not to dismiss him as a serious contender. I stated within the first day or so of his candidacy in the primaries he would be carrying new voters to the election. 

I was not wrong. I was correct. I had warned the DNC to seriously campaign against him and they did. It wasn't until Comey came out with his repeated RNC rant about emails that HAD NO BASIS OF CRIMINALITY (not once but twice) did the Democratic momentum fall flat. 

Comey is the issue. He sabotaged a healthy DNC campaign. There is nothing to realize about the 2016 election, except, Comey's deliberate sabotage as pressured by ? Wikileaks ?. Really? The Russian leaking of totally beneign emails is all that? The FBI?

I made it perfectly clear random classified documents show up in places where they should not in all other administrations. The few Hillary Clinton emails marked with a small c was human error and nothing more. That is a fact that should have been reflected in the FBI actions from the beginning of the investigation of the Clinton server. But, the repeated nonsensical committee hearings and the appearance of the FBI not conducting itself in a 'common sense' manner as Americans would and all the other mess that goes along with political tension continually removed validity from the standing of Secretary Clinton.

In comparison, her marathon hearing about Benghazi was completely unnecessary, but, she was determined to relieve the concerns of Americans. That is a great women. She was completely victorious in ending the scandals drummed up by FOX News and continued in political dogma at the hearings. She was victorious. The ONLY OTHER THING to knock Hillary Clinton from the grace with the American people was a stupid scandal about a private server and a few random emails classified with a "c". 

The campaign against Hillary Clinton was sexist and included the sexist treatment by the FBI carried out in the authority of it's director. She was made to be perfect. That is sexism and the FBI enforced it and destroyed the momentum of her campaign and that of the DNC candidates as well. Even the Democrats that were elected to the US House and Senate had a degree of diminished votes compared to earlier weeks before the election.

The FBI sabotaged Hillary Clinton over emails.



The polls across the USA prove it.

There is a statistical proof to that conclusion.