Sunday, October 09, 2016

Women need empowerment in reporting abuse of any kind.

I appreciate Republicans stating Donald Trump's actions is sexual assault of Secretary Clinton.

I don't think it rises to that level.

There is verbal assault which is usually reserved for threats of physical harm.

Donald Trump's actions and words are however verbal abuse. Should a President be verbally abusive? I don't think so. There are real consequences to verbal abuse of anyone.

Secretary Clinton is a strong woman. She is not likely to be effected by verbal abuse, but, in the instance of women generally, verbal abuse is emotional abuse.

You may feel (click here) like if you're not being hurt physically, you are not being abused. But attempts to scare, isolate, or control you also are abuse. They can affect your physical and emotional well-being. And they often are a sign that physical abuse will follow....

Donald Trump is setting a dangerous tone for women. He needs to stop. 

The women appearing on behalf of Donald Trump had their complaints decades ago. There is no further actions that can or should be taken. They are also setting other women up to fail. Any type of abuse should be stopped at it's beginning and not allowed to exist for periods of time. Women need to report and take responsibility for their well being. This display by Donald Trump is not empowering, it is victimizing of these women all over again.