Tuesday, July 05, 2016

If Mars is any indication this is the chosen neighborhood for human beings on their way out of the Milky Way.

It is amazing how men design plans to abandon Earth when it gets to hot. Do you know I and my female peers have been saying that for at least two decades?

We have always stated when it comes to HEALING Earth from the abuses of Wall Street men's first choice is to abandon it. It is true. Here we are with an Earth of unheeded warnings and men are looking to Mars as their first "Star Trek" choice.

President Obama was the first president to INVEST in Earth in our history. He is not an old white man. He is a father with two daughters. That is significant. When there is a 'child' connection to a person's life the instinct is to always 'fix it' in preservation of their future. All the presidents before President Obama were mostly old white men. The exception was Bill Clinton. To his credit former President Carter placed solar panels on the roof of the White House. I guess that is more a statement about old Republican White men. Look what Cheney did to Canada and the "Halliburton Loophole."

I suppose the correct statement is "Republicans are untrustworthy." War. Abuses of Earth. Exploitation of impoverished populations for profit. Lack of any kind of economic understanding. Oppression of people to force a poor and waning middle class. I would think the Republicans would get the message by now that they have it all "W"rong. 

July 5, 2016
By Kenneth Chang

Ducking through intense belts of violent radiation (click here) as it skimmed over the clouds of Jupiter at 130,000 miles per hour, NASA’s Juno spacecraft finally clinched its spot on Monday in the orbit of the solar system’s largest planet.
It took five years for Juno to travel this far on its $1.1 billion mission, and the moment was one that NASA scientists and space enthusiasts had eagerly — and anxiously — anticipated.
At 11:53 p.m., Eastern time, a signal from the spacecraft announced the end of a 35-minute engine burn that left it in the grip of its desired orbit around Jupiter. Cheers and clapping erupted at the mission operations center at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, Calif., which is managing Juno.
“This is the hardest thing NASA has ever done,” Scott Bolton, Juno’s principal investigator, told the mission team a few minutes later. “That’s my claim.”...