Tuesday, June 28, 2016

During the Sunday Night subject, I neglected to mention the very bad indoor air created by burning wood.

The Poor in the USA use wood as a primary source of heat and the wealthy use it for aesthetics and ambiance. Regardless, burning wood causes indoor air pollution.

Wood smoke can affect everyone, but children, teenagers, older adults, people with lung disease, including asthma and COPD or people with heart diseases are the most vulnerable. Research indicates that obesity or diabetes may also increase risk.  New or expectant mothers may also want to take precautions to protect the health of their babies, because some studies indicate they may be at increased risk....

The USA EPA has a program to assist consumers to understand the importance of: A voluntary partnership program(click here) between EPA, state agencies, manufacturers, and consumers to emphasize the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right appliance. 

There is more information from the EPA. It is all helpful.

EPA's Cookstove program (click hereis devoted to home cooking and heating practices and design principles for wood burning stoves.

EPA’s Wood Burning Efficiency and Safety Website offers guidance on effective installation (which improves the overall safety) of the wood stove....

It is completely wrong for any elected official to advocate for wood as a source of energy. The Poor's health is compromised and government should never be a part of danger and shorter longevity.