Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Trump is not new. Where are the Republicans getting this from?

Donald Trump has been asked to run for President of the USA since McCain lost his bid. At least since then.

The ego of the wealthy require those dependent on them to kiss their feet. If they don't get over the fact they may be wealthy but not privileged because of the dollars they use to wipe themselves with, they can say good-bye to American politics. 

When is the next Las Vegas kiss the ring taking place?

I could not believe John Kasich was nearly in tears today. He really believed his own rhetoric. That's scary. At least Donald Trump knows when his words are rhetoric.

Michael Steele is afraid to speak reality to the party bosses. He should reflect on that and then decide if he knows what reality actually is.

The Republicans wonder how they can run a woman, Hispanics and an African American in their primary and they don't have a minority nomination. The woman was a failed corporate executive without leadership skills even for her own nomination. She lied about the content of the films and testimony she leaned on to try to bring a firestorm to her candidacy. The Hispanic and African American leaned too much on religion for their campaigns. Evangelicals are not a majority in the USA and simply because a candidate speaks religion doesn't mean they are valid as an American President. JFK was the first Catholic President and he never spoke religion in the way that removed civil rights from Americans.

I find it really funny that Governor McCrory is screaming privacy regarding the transgender, but, when privacy is raised in regard to abortion rights it is not allowed! 

Republicans don't live in the real world. They are corrupt to the core. Take that as FACT and then decide why they aren't making it to the convention for the nomination. You're really lousy people. Get over it. How long does any Republican think they can cut taxes and watch jobs grow while cutting discretionary spending and call it a reality for the best outcome for the country? 

Kansas is a disaster. Republicans don't live in the real world. The planet is on fire and the Republicans are still denying the climate crisis. You just aren't good people. You have no morals. Your morals are green and it isn't grass.

Tell me something. When you go to church do you keep your fingers crossed behind your back?