Friday, April 01, 2016

Republicans and I don't care who it is, drool over nuclear weapons. It is a part of their political ideology.

The "W" administration had exactly the same view, "There are so many countries with nuclear capacity, it will happen." Same thing. Same idea. 

"W" went on foreign trips to places like India and proliferated nuclear power.

February 13, 2015

...The U.S. long (click here) considered India to be the leader of the non-aligned camp and held that it was tilting toward the USSR and, later, toward Russia. India purchased most of its weapons from Russia, and it had a pseudo-socialist economic regime. The U.S. tilted toward Pakistan throughout the Cold War and in the years that followed. However, following the rise of China, the George W. Bush administration decided to lure India into the West’s camp and draw on it to help contain China. Bush therefore offered India civil nuclear technology and access to uranium, the fuel it needed for nuclear power reactors. The Indian government agreed to sign a 123 Agreement (or the U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement), but the deal ran into considerable opposition within India. Hence the resulting impasse, which Obama has now helped resolve....

Okay, talking heads can stop the lies now. The fact is that Donald Trump is well studied of the "W" administration. 

Where were the appauling statements during the time of "W" and Darth Vadar. You know the man who outed Valerie Plame.

Don't tell me Donald Trump is new, he very much is not!