Thursday, April 28, 2016

War mongering is not necessary for every discussion of the USA military when the spending is in the trillions and the American people are suppose to pay for it.

Richard Haas is typical to those with a war mongering stance. "America has war fatigue after Iraq and Afghanistan."

There is something more to do? Seriously.

Has Richard Haas ever participated in a body count from Iraq? Because people were burying their dead in their yards. PLURAL. People were buried in yards in Iraq after the USA invasion. There has never been a complete and accurate body count in Iraq after a completely unnecessary war.

I would love to hear Richard Haas state, the United Nations' personnel hadn't completed their work and if they did, there would be no reason for invasion into Iraq.

I want an apology from Richard Haas for Daesh. Just apologize for it and then realize the number of people dead for no reason at all, except of course, Ba'athification. I want to hear Richard Haas say, "Not only was the Iraq war immoral and illegal, it had a completely inept strategy in Ba'athificaiton". Not only should Richard Haas apologize for the Iraq invasion he should go on further to state there was complete incompetency in Rumsfeld's cabal without an exit strategy. 

Richard Haas should do all that without writing a book for profit. If he is compelled to write about the war and the body count he can donate the profits from the book to the orphans in Iraq.

The children of Iraq (click here) are the nation’s future but today, they are in crisis.  An estimated 800,000 were orphaned over ten years of war.  More than 1 million have been displaced by ISIS.  Thousands work on the streets or in other unsafe places.  Too many children are vulnerable to recruitment and exploitation by criminals or terrorists, as well as physical abuse and human trafficking.  They face illiteracy, poverty, malnutrition, and the profound effects of trauma and loss.  The need is urgent, but with your help, ICF is devoted to making a difference for Iraq’s most vulnerable children...

Believe me when I say it is not fatigue that the American people are tired of.

Wait, wait, let me guess. "But, Daesh is far more deadly than the American military by the sheer fact they reached a million orphans when the USA invasion never did and they achieved one million in a far shorter timeline." 

COMPLETE AND UTTER INCOMPETENCE and the USA should go back to do it all over again? I don't think so.