Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Preparing for the TPP. The extremism of the Republican Party provides for only anarchy.

April 12, 2016

By Marcel Harmon

It’s not uncommon to see developments named after what they displace or sometimes destroy. Subdivisions with names like Wild Creek Place likely contain neither a trace of the “wild” nor the remains of a creek. I guess more descriptive names such as Flat Asphalt Junction simply lack the same level of appeal.

I’ve come to see the names of Kansas legislative committees in the same manner. Under the legislature’s ultraconservative leadership, committees such as Education (House and Senate), Education Budget (House), Commerce, Labor and Economic Development (House) and Local Government (Senate), to name but a few, seem cruelly named after what the ultraconservatives have marked for displacement or destruction.

Gov. Sam Brownback’s march to zero income taxes, combined with legislation designed to weaken public services and wrest control away from local government, are hollowing out the very aspects of government these committees focus on. Public education certainly seems targeted to be greatly supplemented by, if not outright replaced by, private education....

"...wrest control away from local government..." is a Wall Street corruption that removes freedom from people and places it at Wall Street's disposable. If anyone believes differently because that is not possible in the USA, take a look at Flint, Michigan. Wall Street robs the USA of good paying jobs and irretrievable poverty manifests with people disempowered to provide for their own well being.

Brownback has been a parasite for a long time, including his time in the federal government. There are entries on this blog, too.

...We see this in other states as well. For some time now, model legislation from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans For Prosperity (AFP) and other libertarian / ultraconservative organizations has been used as the template for bills in states with varying levels of ultraconservative control. Such templates have been developed on everything from taxation and fiscal policy, to energy and the environment, to health and human services....

How convenient to have a organization backed by Wall Street actually writing state legislation.

Corporations identified (click here) as being involved with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) since CMD's ALEC Exposed project launched in 2011 -- reliant upon the most recently available documentation or communication -- appear in BOLD below. All connections are footnoted.
Note that for corporations not in bold, either the corporation has stated that it is no longer involved or documentation on involvement with ALEC is less recent....