Monday, February 08, 2016


The feminists involved with campaigns for President have forgotten an important word of feminism.


That is what young people are finding with the Sander's campaign. It is not where the boys are. They actually see each other as equals with a great deal in common. Give the mom's of these young people a little bit of credit for actually raising young men and women that see each other as equals.

My two sons don't pat their wives on the head in understanding them. Their wives are equal partners with their own expertise and career.

Don't return to the sixties, we have moved past that.

The Bernie Campaign has as a basis of their movement, egalitarian initiatives.

Jeb Bush lacks originality and genuine character. His words are from everyone else, including, the recent statement he rejects SuperPACs. The Citizens United decision was the furthest priority of Bush until he realized his SuperPAC was not bringing about victory, so why not jettison it. There is nothing genuine about the guy. I listened to him on C-Span. He used everyone else's words. He is fishing.

When Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump states "No SuperPACs" they mean it and have taken that stand from the beginning. Donald Trump is self-funding and Bernie Sanders has taken on the current and sad state of America today and people believe in him. The fund raising is easy.  

Not to sell Donald Trump short, he did turn down a SuperPAC when it was first initiated.

Let's get real for a moment because the media is floundering. Marco Rubio has done nothing for the State of Florida since taking office as a Senator. Here is reality about Florida. It refused the Medicaid expansion. People have died because the Republicans of Florida rejected the Affordable Care Act and the Medicaid Expansion. People have died IN THE FACE of working more than one job to support their families. They could not afford insurance and the medicine is often out of reach.

Now, that is real. Deal with it.

People like Rubio and Bush will refuse any aspects of the ACA, including the Medicaid Expansion, will bail out banks, take monies away from Americans then in need of food and shelter and WON'T INCREASE THE MINIMUM WAGE so those same Americans can survive.

They don't care about Americans until it comes time to vote.