Tuesday, February 09, 2016

As the candidates move to lower latitudes for their primaries the concern of public health will be on the forefront of concerns of citizens.

One extremely important fact that public health officials need to embrace is THE CHANGE IN AVERAGE HIGH TEMPERATURES across the country.

The Vika Virus is breaking at an interesting time when realizing average high temperatures are different than when public health policy was originally written. In increasing number cities are seeing movement of higher temperatures further north. The average high temperatures will increase the opportunity of mosquito populations and the spread of the virus. Public Health officials should recognize the new addition to the spread of the virus as a sexually transmitted virus, which actually explains the infants born with hydrocephalus.

February 8, 2016
By Gillian Mohney

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (click here) and Prevention's Emergency Operations Center has been moved to Level 1, the agency's highest level, due to the risk of Zika virus transmission in the U.S., officials said today.
The Level 1 activation is "reflecting the agency’s assessment of the need for an accelerated preparedness to bring together experts to focus intently and work efficiently in anticipation of local Zika virus transmission by mosquitoes," the agency said in a statement.
The highest level activation means the CDC staff will work around the clock to combat a critical emergency. The three other Level 1 activations have been to combat Ebola, to combat H1N1 influenza in 2009, and after Hurricane Katrina....

What has to be answered by the CDC and WHO as well as any other investigative agency is the PERMANENCY of the virus genetic damage. If a person is bitten by the mosquito will they be genetically damaged for the rest of their lives.

If there is permanent genetic damage, what then happens to humankind from this year forward? The most difficult decision is to back away from abortions sought by women unable to care for profoundly handicapped children.

This, next to HIV, is one of the worst viral infections I have witnessed. HIV was not passed by insect and it still allowed normal fetus to be conceived. This is a profound humanitarian problem as well. How is the world going to address significant increases of the handicapped? This virus does not kill the parents, but, may completely eliminate their chances at normal children again. Do I detect the contemplation of cloning and/or IVF fertility as a preferred method of conception? I mean every word of it.

February 9, 2016
By ABC News
With concern surrounding the Zika virus (click here) at an all-time high, Consumer Reports has re-released its exclusive ratings of mosquito repellents that best protect against the mosquitoes that spread the virus.
The release highlights the results regarding the Aedes Egypti mosquito, the mosquito known to carry and spread Zika.
Officials Monday announced that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Emergency Operations Center had been moved to Level 1, the agency's highest level, because of the risk of Zika virus transmission in the United States.
The Zika virus has been spreading throughout the Americas and the World Health Organization has deemed it a "global health threat."
Consumer Reports found three products to be most effective in combating the mosquito known for carrying Zika: Sawyer Fisherman’s Formula Picaridin, Natrapel 8 Hour and Off! Deepwoods VIII....

I think there is some question as the this virus being a cross between hemolytic virus and Denge. It is a virus that does not kill it's host and spreads with the hosts sexual activity. I keep coming back to a designer virus and/or a GMO monster.

Human beings can't carry out genetic modifications without expecting genetic problems. If this is due to food ingestion of GMO products in impoverished Africa, this is a really significant wake up call. Once again, who is correct, the people or Wall Street?

Why do they reject rhetoric? I would think it is obvious. You want mosquito repellent that works? Go to REI (click here) and ask what works including bed nets!

Local Public Health officials can unwittingly leave the public open to infection by inadequately treating mosquito breeding grounds. Alert people to removing persistent puddles around their homes/apartments as well. In some rental communities the landlords might not want to treat the grounds of their own properties. 

Residents should find a common area to meet and discuss their best way forward while taking IMMEDIATE responsibilities for their well being and their children. I would think a united community could subtract their costs from the rent. I do believe a judge would honor it. I am not the judge, so if the expense is minimal to each resident, absorb the costs and demand the local mayor and council to pass a law requiring treatment of mosquito breeding grounds.

It will easy for a community to report such breeding grounds across their Smart Phones. I am sure that is at least one in every community. Go to the next meeting of the mayor and council with the CDC notice and ask what is being done to ELIMINATE the danger.



This is not a political statement: "A warming Earth is going to spread this virus and new areas will find mosquito populations where they haven't been before."

Thank you.

I would think candidates running for office will provide a handout to local communities they visit. Leadership. Knowledge. Commitment to the people. 

Candidates can go to the local mayor and council meeting no different than citizens and wait your turn to speak on this problem. OR. Send a staff representative DIRECTLY to the decision makers. 

Yes, it is just that important. This is a level one CDC class organism. Get for real!