Wednesday, January 06, 2016

The real issue with any illegal countries having nuclear military capacity is always the quality of life of it's people vs its military interests.

The fact there is a depth of 0 kilometers gave it away.

The military advancement of North Korea is not the best use of the countries assets.

Currently, North Korea's population exceeds Syria by 2 million people at 24.9 million. In contrast to South Korea post war of 1953; North Korea has one half the population of South Korea numbering 50.22 million.

The quality of life of the South Korean people are among the highest in the world. North Korea needs to reflect on it's true devotion to it's people rather than the power of a single man.

When USA lawmakers use extremist views regarding quality of life in relation to issues such as SSI, Medicare and Medicaid it provides fuel to the fire of dictators such as North Korea. The USA NEEDS its luster back as reflected by the federal programs that care for our elderly. 

When the USA toys with quality of life rather than acting to protect the highest standard, including children, other countries such as North Korea take example of the deceptive double standard. (click here)

...It ranks 96 nations (click here) on the basis of the quality of life and social and economic status of older people, aged 60 and over.
The index studies four areas, in particular.
Income covers the state of pensions, relative welfare of older people, GDP in each country, and poverty rate in old age.
Health status includes life expectancy at 60 and psychological status.
Capability covers the employment level and educational status of older people, and ‘Enabling environment’ includes physical safety, social connections and access to public transport.
From this index, governments can use the findings to identify policies to improve the lives of their older people.
Based on the research, Norway is the best place for older people, alongside Sweden, Switzerland and Canada....