Monday, January 18, 2016

San Bernardino

To begin I think the city needs to take back it's identity. But, it is a mistake not to recognize the ideology involved in the deaths of Americans.

A timeline would be helpful, but, I think what occurred was a young woman, well educated, but due to the ideologies of her father, she never valued her own worth beyond dying for Allah.

My understanding is that the couple was exposed to an ideology straight out of the mind of a madman. There is no religion on Earth that has the ideology to wipe out all others to control the entire population of human beings on Earth. The idea is not only bizarre, but, it is completely dreamed up. The ideology was dreamed up by men too desperate to surrender for the guilt they have in killing other people. International criminals came up with the ideology. Not an Ayatollah, or Imam or Cleric; criminals. 

The ideology of a caliphate is ancient. They developed after the death of Mohammad in 632. They were necessary. No different than other great societies, the caliphates were cultural and strong in defense of the human beings.

Italy would no more return to Caesar's empire than they would have the Earth stop spinning. There was a time of Caesar and it is over. Human beings have advanced out of their past and the caliphate. Caliphates are history and evidently the STRATEGY of international criminals to maintain their lives. What a better way to stay alive when wanted for human rights atrocities than to build an entire army to defend the indefensible.

There was never a call by any holy man to return a caliphate as if a phoenix. The criminals that began the return to a caliphate took the dignity out of Islam. They took the reputation away from Islam. They have turned Muslim against Muslim.

There is no doubt the USA has a problem with gun violence and mass killings, but, to state this incident was a lone wolf attack is a mistake. There was silly influence there and it was very wrong. There was no religious definition for the plans a woman deprived of "self" carried out. Was it a grand scheme right from the beginning? What do the records say? 

If the couple's plans were in praise of Allah, why did they have to hide the very plans that were to define their souls?

The violence that surround this couple is incredible. It was their neighbor who facilitated the plans. Plans are only plans unless they are enacted. So, the couple had help from people convinced they should be sympathetic to 'the cause.'

The deaths of San Bernardino by a couple newly married with a new baby has defamed Islam. Marriage of two devoted people to a religion they find at the center of their lives is a beautiful thing. Couples marry in a church or a mosque or a temple or synagogue to show the world they are blessed by their faith to wed. That level of commitment of two people is a beautiful thing. There are people married for decades and know no other than the person they married as young people. Devoted to each other. Devoted to their children. Devoted to their families. But, most of all devoted to an entire life of building and growing a future together. That entire idea was perverted by an ideology of madmen. That young woman had no other reason to live except to die.

There is a lot wrong here. The tangled web of a Masters prepared young woman has to be examined. The religious leaders have to make example of these people that hold onto the idea "killing for Allah" as a religious stepping stone to heaven. That is insane. It does not belong anywhere in the faith. Self-defense or being a soldier in a sovereign military to protect one's homeland is not the same at all as "killing for Allah."

There are greater problems about impoverishment in the middle east. There are problems with justice in the middle east. Some of the punishment issued is old world. Maiming cannot be a part of the future of the middle east. But, the greater problems of the middle east do not belong to the USA. Americans are used to thinking and saying that. Americans always believe they are the answer to every problem. That is not the case. 

But, what is true is that the USA has something most of the world admires. It has a domestic peace that exists within freedom. Not only does this peace exist within freedom, but, it has lasted for over 200 years. What made the USA great in 1776 is exactly what makes the USA great in 2016. Everyone wants that, but, they don't realize it isn't necessary to come to the USA to get it. 

The USA is either viewed as a great country or a great evil by people other than Americans. There is no in between. 

The terrorists that have committed murder in the USA are in prison. Some domestic terrorists were in prison until they were executed. The government and the law of the USA is nothing to toy with. However, our justice department is built on the idea people can be rehabilitated. The USA isn't so special, most if not all other countries understand how people can be rehabilitated.

It is that compassion that lives in most every country on Earth that separates the real evil from all others. Daesh is evil. There is nothing godly about the practices of such a regime. There is no tolerance of difference with Daesh. Daesh is absolute in their demands for power. That is not a government that cares about it's people, it is a dictatorship that kills indiscriminately to maintain fear, control and a reason for living. What is the reason for living with Daesh? None of the answers are applicable to a modern day society or the values of advanced societies.

And what about the child? What is the inheritance of the child this couple brought to this world? It isn't a good inheritance. It is a parental legacy of violence and death. That isn't what is suppose to define childhood in most of the world. But, Daesh uses it's children as chattel and sends them into regimes to kill. Why bother with the alphabet when all a child needs to know is the proper firing of an AK47 or some other heinous weapon of death.

The ideology this couple carried in their hearts and in their daily lives has taken away the definition of Islam and replaced it with death as a legacy to Mohammad.

The USA has a problem. It has too much potential for anyone to kill others. That should not exist in the USA, but, it does. The killing in San Bernardino was facilitated by freedom. It was facilitated by a gun lobby that has unreasonable power within the USA. 

Think about it.