Thursday, January 21, 2016

Let's pretend there was every imaginable form of tippy top top secret emails on a private server that Hillary Clinton used as Secretary of State. 

That is all there is to this.

If there is an Inspector General passing out rumors, which I doubt sincerely, then there should be an investigation. This is ridiculous. An Inspector General has no loyalty to the country to pass around unsubstantiated rumors? Are these rumors not only unsubstantiated, they cannot be unsubstantiated because of there classification. So where is all this going? An Inspector General wants to play with power? Really?

Why does FOX persist? Because like good little Republican candidates they are all carrying the rhetoric now. No Republican is going to stand up and state "I don't know of any substantiated claims."

The mess is probably a drag on Hillary's campaign poll numbers, but, this has no basis in truth.