Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Daesh is an international criminal organization with all the characteristics, including the sale of natural resources to support it's existence.

Where The West is losing its ability to combat domestic terrorism is allowing religious extremists validity in the face of their leaders stating where legitimate claims to Islam exists.

The leaders of any religion are most focused on the individuals standing and their right to living a life within the faith. When international criminals such as found in the organization Daesh claim to own the rightful place of religion while defaming other leadership, then their claim is lost to extremism and treason.

Legitimate leaders of religion come to The West to celebrate with their members. Recently, Pope Francis came to the USA and was joined by other religious leadership in a common ceremony intended to bring the faithful to an understanding of God's many faces. When someone like Pope Francis makes an effort to unite all faiths in recognition of a common God, that can't be ignored.

The efforts by Daesh is to dissolve that unity among faiths to protect their members from violence against one faith over another is simply wrong. Allowing Daesh an identity that stands for mass killings is to undermine every other faith on Earth, including Muslim.

Daesh is a criminal organization of Saddam Ba'athists. That is the proper identity of the extremist group and applies to those that join them.

The ideology of ABSOLUTE SPEECH is defeating the very constitutionality of it. We do not allow citizens to yell fire in an enclosed space that would result in stampedes and injuries and death. But, infiltration of Daesh to corrupt the values of young Muslims, is not met with any form of criminal control. 

Daesh is corrupting members of the Muslim faith in The West and there is no movement against it. The West is overstating it's values to Freedom of Speech when it allows a challenge to it's sovereign right to exist.

Internet sites that promote death as a way to hijacking democracies have to be shut down. Governments must stand with the leaders of Islam who promote peace and personal freedoms and safety, otherwise, such leaders become meaningless.

Daesh is a terrorist organization of Saddam Ba'athists. Contact with these criminals equate to deaths of citizens. If a country can't protect it's citizens from criminal organizations that recruit for the purpose of overthrowing governments then why bother recognizing sovereignty and allow anarchy to reign. There are countries in the world that are not equipped to handle extremists and will fall to this level of religious pressure.

The World Court can hold judicial case in absentia for any criminal identified as promoting the death of innocent people. That should be exercised to let the global community find such individuals and return them for the criminals they are.

This capacity of the World Court has been used before and sometimes within the country itself:

Amman, Jordan, Feb. 15 (AP) — A court on Wednesday (click here) sentenced Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of the insurgent group in Iraq that calls itself Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, and eight other men to death for plotting chemical attacks against sites in Jordan, including the United States Embassy....

I strongly suggest The West declare international terrorist by name and make it known those taking measures within that capacity to join and increase power of such criminals will be viewed as a direct threat to the sovereignty of a country and will be remanded to the World Court for processing.

If any country in the world has a right to measure and carry out extremism it is France. These violent attacks by individuals that claim they are Daesh or "Doing it for Syria" are criminals and they desire mass killings to bring about worship of their faux god.

In Saudi Arabia individuals that practice alliance with al Qaeda are found out and listed in an official capacity with their arrests to follow the publication of the list. This practice limits the listing as well to 30 or so citizens. The listing in recent times of small numbers of citizens only proves it's effectiveness. These individuals are put through remedial programs which can easily be considered 'de programming.' Saudi Arabia now has the challenge to find members of Daesh within it's society and will probably do so considering the hatred realized in these people.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy where such decisions are far more simple than constitutional behavior of a Western Constitution, but, the basics are the same and can include Due Process.