Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Michael Moore. It is a masterpiece.

There were three times in the film I cried and could not keep from crying. I had tears in my eyes for at least have of it. And the rest of the film I kept being reminded there was once a USA that valued all those magnificent aspects of humanity.

I also can't believe it was rated R because of a rotund couple getting into a hot tub naked. Susan Lucci is rated at least an R on daytime television.

Weren't we there? In that space? In the moral content of where the human life was vastly more important than anything else? I remember that place. Maybe because my parents bested there parents when they moved out of poverty into the middle class because my father had a job with union representation. 

I bested my parents and had a really good job that still has union representation, but, this time I was a professional with a college degree.

My sons mostly bested me, but, there are still areas in my youngest son's life (now 34 years old) isn't up to par yet. At least as far as I am concerned.

Mike, it is the best darn Santa Wish List I have ever seen and I want it. I want it back.

The people of the USA stated it needed nation building at home. It does. Still. Any American that doesn't see this film and appreciate it's depth and morality should be in emotional and spiritual rehab.

Thank you. It is going to be difficult for you to top this one.