Monday, December 14, 2015

I am happy with the FOX Republican Debate stage if that means anything. But, what I don't get is why is everyone upset about the candidacy of Donald Trump. See, to me, he made his best argument as a candidate at the very beginning. He, as a supporter to the Republican Party was very disappointed in the candidates that announced for President.

He has been very verbose in past years when Republican politics demanded it. He was a person candidates came to for greetings and possibly donations. Visiting Donald Trump for candidates was a prerequisite for the candidacy of any seat, but, especially the presidency. 

He was asked year after year if he would run and he declined. What was that suppose to be a cartoon? Donald Trump was simply a cartoon to the Republican politics. I don't believe Donald Trump would ever agree with that assessment by anyone, including right wing political media.

So, this presidential elections he was tired of accepting defeat and could not find a person running he believed would be capable as President of the United States. So, he announced. It should have been obvious it would occur sooner or later. 

Donald Trump is a business man and many other business men have attempted to achieve the candidacy. Trump is a very successful business man. He has been in a spot light all his life regardless of good or bad news. Even the bad news turned into winning in the long run.

There is no question to me as to why he is running. I don't understand why so many others ponder that reality as if it were a trick on them.

It is no trick.