Sunday, August 23, 2015

Why should the Vice President run for President?

The qualifications stand for themselves. Joe Biden has been a dedicated legislator for most of his professional life. He also is an advocate for the Middle Class. He brings his experience with leadership regarding the use of the US military.

But, one of the most important reasons Vice President Biden should run for the office of President, namely, the promotion and defense of the Obama agenda. As Vice President and a candidate he cannot get away from the Obama administration. The Veep has a significant amount of intelligence regarding the administration's successes and "oops, we could have done that differently." So, his candidacy is as much of his own legacy as that of President Obama.

Vice President Biden realizes the American middle class is assaulted daily by Wall Street. He also knows that Wall Street continually shoots itself in the foot every time it substitutes automation and digitization for American jobs.

A candidate can advocate for the middle class all the time, but, unless there are specifics to know what comprises a stable and thriving middle class, it is all hot air.

Vice President Biden is important to this political season and would make an incredible President, but, he also has what seems insurmountable loss of family. I hope he weighs all the issues before him and the needs of himself and his family to come to the best outcome for all.