Wednesday, August 05, 2015

The trial regarding Cecil is being postponed until September. No doubt the "throphyist" is attempting ever legal maneuver he can find.

The fact is the loss of Cecil has the capacity to be catastrophic to the Zimbabwe tourism business. There is significant investment into tourism in the country. Zimbabwe may have to legislate a buffer areas around their national forests to end this type of poaching. 

August 1, 2015
By Gerald Imray

...Cecil had an intriguing story, (click here) making him a celebrity in Hwange. He arrived as a kind of lion refugee, alone and wandering after being displaced from another territory. Cecil befriended another male lion, Jericho, and together they grew and watched over two prides, one with three lionesses and seven cubs and another with three lionesses.

The satellite collar on Jericho has been sending normal signals, indicating the lion is alive and moving around, Stapelkamp said.

But Cecil's killing will have an impact on the area, explained Stapelkamp, a field researcher for an Oxford University study on lions.

Jericho may not be able to hold their territory alone and could be chased away by rival lions. Unprotected, the lionesses and cubs would then be under threat and also move away or be killed. Safari operators who invested millions of dollars in the area would lose one of their biggest attractions for tourists.

"They're burning fire breaks. They're grading roads. They're pumping water," Stapelkamp said. "They're spending a lot of money in the management of lions and then someone just draws it across the railway lines having not paid a penny in its management and shoots it and runs away with its skin. It's unacceptable."
Zimbabwe's National Parks and Wildlife Authority said Saturday it has suspended the hunting of lions, leopards and elephants outside of Hwange National Park, and that bow and arrow hunts have also been suspended unless they are approved by the authority's director.

The authority also said it is investigating the killing of another lion in April that may have been illegal....