Friday, August 07, 2015

I didn't see the debate last night. From what I heard it was no impressive. I am hearing things like Donald Trump did not hurt himself last and and Rubio isn't ready. Rubio might be ready in eight years.

When I asked others what specifics were stated; they said "What specifics?"

So, it was an entirely rhetorical stage presence and Donald Trump got tired of the only paradigm of engaging the public and called everyone stupid. He's right.

See the reason Republicans say, "I'll create jobs without specifics is because they haven't got a clue." Donald Trump can stand through all the political hubris and rhetoric because in the real campaign he already has a track record regarding jobs creation. All he needs is his own record to stand on (which is global by the way) and then demand everyone else to do better.

There is nothing solid being said. One friend said it was a two hour commercial for Hillary Clinton.

There are eight more Republican debates of which will be a 90 exposure for every candidate on the podium if they are in every debate. That should be a strategy to build on. Ten minutes should build on the anticipated next 10 minutes of exposure and so on. Otherwise, the debate process will stamp an identity on every candidates' forehead and they'll either win or lose the nomination and be stuck with that branding for the rest of their national career.