Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Have the economics of the community changed and improved?

The unrest after dark is known to be a problem. It has nothing to do with the protests. 

Michael Brown, Jr. wanted to change his circumstances. He was on the threshold of attending college. He was about change and justice. He never got his chance to break out of the oppressive poverty enforced by the governing infrastructure of Ferguson.

For a very long time the government of Ferguson financed itself on the backs of innocent people. The people of Ferguson need the opportunity of upward movement and better lives. Perhaps that will come with education or it might come in the organization of unions at their place of work, but, today the people of Ferguson should be improving their quality of life and proving that oppressive conditions can be removed when given full sunlight. 

I wish them well, congratulate them on their continued vigilance and I continue to hold Michael Brown, Jr. in my heart as well. 

POSTED 1:22 AM, AUGUST 10, 2015
UPDATED AT 07:56AM, AUGUST 10, 2015

“Protesters are people who are out there to effect change,” Belmar said. There were “several people shooting, several rounds shot.”

FERGUSON, Missouri — A day of peaceful vigils (click here) to mark the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s shooting death turned ugly late Sunday night when protesters threw rocks and bottles at officers, and police critically injured a man who they say fired at them.

The unidentified man in his 20s was undergoing surgery early Monday morning.

He unleashed a “remarkable amount of gunfire” against the officers using a stolen handgun, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said.
Belmar descried the attacks on the officers, saying they are hindering the city’s progress....