Friday, July 17, 2015

"Radical Islamist Extremists/Terrorists" is inflammatory and doesn't describe any government in the world.

It is a false interpretation of the Quran. It is a political tool within extremists such as the old Ba'athists. 

President Obama doesn't recognize any radical Islamic extremists because there is no official designation. If the President of the USA, especially President Obama (man of peace), used inflammatory language there would many in the Middle East that would take offense. If words count, the words that count with President Obama are those that translate into peace, cooperation and stability. Inflammatory language is destabilizing. Why use it in an international dialogue? Any dialogue that is public is an international dialogue.

President Obama is not about to recognize illegitimate political movements. We all should be glad about that. 

January 26, 2014
By Ryan Mauro
Islamic extremism (click here) is driven by an interpretation of Islam that believes that Islamic law, or sharia, is an all-encompassing religious-political system. Since it is believed to be proscribed by Allah (Arabic for “God”) sharia must be enforced in the public sphere by a global Islamic state. As such, Islamic extremists consider it to be the only truly legitimate form of governance and reject democracy and human rights values.... 

...Islamic extremists believe they are obligated to install this form of governance in Muslim-majority territories, countries and, eventually, the entire world. In the minds of Islamic extremists, they are promoting justice and freedom by instituting sharia....

They are wackos. Just that simple. Why reward wackos with a title they prefer or demand. Wackos are wackos.

This Daesh bullshit is directly out of the fact the Ba'athists in Iraq were ostracized and hunted by some. They aren't anything holy or soulful that have suffered for decade after decade; they were scared of what was transpiring in Iraq and hid in Syria. There is nothing here that legitimizes their hate of human beings. There is nothing spiritual about them.

When Mullahs and Clerics are coming out to state there are venues of peace among people in Islam that pretty much excludes Daesh. The Mullahs and Clerics are recognizing the fact there are differences in the region both ethnic and religious. They don't want to split people up so they feel better represented by war. They want peace and they want the killing to stop. The Middle East cannot afford instability and the holy men know it. 

Grand Ayatollah Ali Husayni Sistani and the Supreme Leader of Iran need to dialogue and come together over Shi'ite aggression and the stability in the region. The Grand Ayatollah has maintained peace can survive the recognition of one's Muslims neighbors. It is time the leaders in Islam find an enforceable peace. Sistani has been preaching peace for a very long, long time. There is nothing new here. 

"Radical Islamist Extremist" was a political term drummed up by Bush/Cheney for the purpose of instilling fear. There is no use of it in a real venue anywhere else except the right wing extremist American Neocons. 

The radical right in the USA have their own dictionary, their own realities and their own idea of what is right and wrong. Did I make that clear. THEY HAVE THEIR OWN SENSE OF RIGHT AND WRONG. The only reason they are even listened to is because they managed to make it into the White House and terrified the entire country with WMD. AND. WMD that was never a real threat. 

Bush lies and people die!

March 20, 2015
By Julia Lurie 

The United States (click here) began its invasion of Iraq 12 years ago. Yesterday, a previously classified Central Intelligence Agency report containing supposed proof of the country's weapons of mass destruction was published by Jason Leopold of Vice News. Put together nine months before the start of the war, the National Intelligence Estimate spells out what the CIA knew about Iraq's ability to produce biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. It would become the backbone of the Bush administration's mistaken assertions that Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs and posed a direct threat to the post-9/11 world.

The report is rife with what now are obvious red flags that the Bush White House oversold the case for war. It asserts that Iraq had an active chemical weapons program at one point, though it admits that the CIA had found no evidence of the program's continuation. It repeatedly includes caveats like "credible evidence is limited." It gives little space to the doubts of the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, which found the CIA's findings on Iraq's nuclear program unconvincing and "at best ambiguous."...

May 29, 2011
By NPR Staff

In 2004, (click here) almost a year after the start of the Iraq War, David Kay resigned his post as the United States' chief weapons inspector in Iraq. Kay said his group had found no evidence that Iraq had stockpiled chemical and biological weapons before the U.S.-led invasion. His findings were at odds with assertions from the Bush administration at the time. Host Liane Hansen talks with Kay about the conflict in Iraq since then....


Where exactly are the extremists?