Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Every fact about Mr. Sanchez just reveals more questions.

The gun was from a federal agent and was stolen out of the agent's car. That is outrageous. What was Mr. Sanchez doing in a federal agent's car with the ability to steal a gun. No hand cuffs? What the heck is going on here? 

July 8, 2015
By Janell Ross

...As mentioned above, (click here) immigration is often complicated. At least some portion of the people who do enter the country illegally or overstay the terms of their visitor or student visas also have legitimate asylum claims. Asylum is limited to individuals who can provide evidence that they have faced persecution or might be killed if they return to their home country. And U.S. law says that most people caught inside the United States should be given a chance to make those claims in an immigration court. (For more information on asylum seekers, see Tables 16 and 17 here)....

The Washington Post has an article to help sort out the facts about immigration and where the laws stand now.

It begins with an interesting statement about the legal reason the Undocumented can stay in the USA. If a person is here outside the usual process of immigration they can be granted asylum. That has been the case since the beginning of US law. With so many Undocumented in the USA there is the question do they have legitimate reasons to remain in the USA. The country has tried to deal with the porous border that is a welcome mat to people from the Americas. There is basically one reason why millions are in the USA and that is to work to make a living.

The people that have come here are not illegitimate in their needs to work and find a way to stay alive. The Undocumented are known to be valuable laborers. That is a fact. The USA cannot simply turn it's back on the truth and round up millions of people so we can feel good about the law and our national security. The idea these people are dangerous is nonsense. There are good people among them and that is valuable to the country. But, no different than people born in the USA there will be criminals and some very dangerous criminals. Mr. Sanchez is a very dangerous criminal who finds himself within reach of federal agents guns.

The American people have the right to know what is going on here and the government needs to investigate and report to the people how a man is able to find his way back to the USA five times with seven felony convictions on his record? 

...Now, layer on top of that more than 445,000 people awaiting immigration hearings. Most of these people cannot make a successful asylum claim but might have some other legal defense such as proof of a U.S. citizen parent or grandparent.

Unauthorized immigrants caught inside the United States -- or in some cases at the border -- generally get a hearing in one of the nation's deeply backlogged immigration courts. Wait times now stretch into 2019....

This is the reason why the President has written an Executive Order for "deferred status." Deferred status is suppose to relieve the drag on the immigration courts to provide greater function. The circumstances in the USA regarding immigration is ridiculous. The Executive Branch has to do something, but, the corrupt courts of the Fifth District have decided to play politics rather than return function to the American legal system. The Fifth Circuit has once again stood against President Obama for political purposes.

The Fifth Circuit has been a source of most of the dysfunction in the USA regarding law that is sound and with reason.

...The order, (click here) by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, appears to be in direct response to the president's comments yesterday about the Supreme Court's review of the health care law. Mr. Obama all but threw down the gauntlet with the justices, saying he was "confident" the Court would not "take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."...

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act decisions by this court have been overturned by the Supreme Court. The decision by the Fifth Circuit is nothing more than politics. The Fifth Circuit should not have taken the case in the first place.

There needs to be a review of this court to make it clear this court is incompetent in handing down decisions and needs to be scrutinized for the problems it causes.