Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Police, lighting and closed circuit televisions.

Church burnings. The FBI should be investigating every one of them.

Every Sunday across the south there are police officers directing traffic out of church parking lots. Perhaps that should be a law so that every church has a police officer in the parking lot every Sunday at every service. Perhaps cities could receive reimbursement to their police officers serving on Sunday. It would be helpful and sanctuaries may be more safe. People would feel cared about.

I realize the faithful will continue being faithful even after violence leveled against them. That isn't good enough for me. I want the faithful advocating for their safety and make elected officials pay attention, too. I want every member of the faithful safe in their places of worship. I don't want chance taking the priority of safety. 

Are there closed circuit televisions on places of worship? Tie them into the police department and/the faithful leader's home and office. Put flood lights on the property to illuminate the church. Not lights on the church itself, but, on very pleasant looking steel poles with under ground wiring. This all takes money, but, where a congregation cannot get credit to install these very minor but effective provisions, the legislature should be tapped for this one time upgrade of all places of worship.  



Noah didn't expect the Lord to provide a hole in the water, he built a ark.