Wednesday, June 24, 2015

US Senator Dan Coates has a "Waste of the Week" government spending.

I would expect it to be a joke and a right wing rhetorical political strategy. But, it is interesting. I have to read through them and decide to write more.

This week it is about sugar subsidies. Shhhhhh, Florida. I already know this one and so does the former governor and current Senator.

The environmental damage those companies in Florida does is not to be believed. I already know this one. Water quality.

"Waste of the Week" (click here)

Hey, Senator Coates is talking about sugar laden foods. The First Lady would be proud of him. She should provide a metal of honor to his words alone. How often does a Congressman/woman on the right ever talk about their cronies. This is a big one!  

The First Lady's Office should have "Hero of the Week/Month" to those that take steps to healthier foods.