Saturday, June 13, 2015


I like the blue pantsuit.

We are very lucky to have Hillary Clinton. (click here)

She is very connected to those at the rally. Nothing is interrupting her message, except, the people at the rally. She is stating her values which is entrenched in American values. 

Her grandfather lived in Scranton? My family is from that area. My parents were married there. They were very hard working people. They moved themselves from impoverishment to the Middle Class.

Income Inequality. Tax fairness. The value of work. Now is the time to move the American people forward. Prosperity is a word that describes Americans, too. "American can't succeed unless you succeed."

She knows in order to make the USA economy work it realizes one the prosperity of it's workers. 

Very nice. Bubble and bust. She wants unity in the country to provide for a consistently prosperous country. I am sure she'll make example of the backward values in what has been called "The Red States." They do believe in yesterday. 

Good for her. "I am not a scientist." Love it. Legislators don't have to be scientists to TRUST internationally acclaimed American scientists. She speaks the truth.  

Her story about her mother is no different than mine. No lie. She worked as soon as she could, gave her money to her mother to assist with family costs and went to high school to achieve a diploma. It was that generation where women found work a real way to make their lives better. 

"Growth and fairness go together." That's true. A level playing field that welcomes success is the way to overcome America's maladies. From food insecurity to racism to the LGBT community and the abject poor. Fairness is about the morality of the movement. 

Small businesses will be provided an open door to success to begin to 

Energy. California just reported their power generation across the state with alternative energy filled in a huge gap that maintained current rates without increases. It also contributed to prevention of "brown outs." 

26 May 2015
By Cheryl Katz

Solar farms (click here) are blooming across California’s deserts, wind turbines are climbing the Sierra, photovoltaic roofs are shimmering over suburbs, and Teslas are the Silicon Valley elite’s new ride. A clean energy rush is transforming the Golden State so quickly that nearly a quarter of its electricity now comes from renewable sources, and new facilities, especially solar, are coming online at a rapid rate. Last year, California became the first state to get more than 5 percent of its electricity from the sun....

She wants a legitimate USA with respect of our country across the globe. That would be good. The USA doesn't need anymore illegitimate wars. That type of profile builds strong peace initiatives and the trust of allies.

Election reform. Supreme Court nominations that will protect the vote of Americans. Constitutional Amendment to reverse the ill effects of Citizen United. Universal automatic registration and expanding the opportunity to vote across more days. Eventually, the USA has to take itself seriously. There are currently more than 242,542,967 adults over 18 years old in the USA. That is our 77 percent of the population of the USA. Babies are being born, generations are growing older, there are more and more people in the electorate than ever before. How can the growing population of the USA vote on ONE DAY across the USA. The expansion of voting rights in the number of voting days has to occur. It is a matter of numbers and the opportunity to vote. 

The population of Americans is growing, not just by children born, but, with Americans with greater longevity. As the voters increase the old method of voting isn't working. People are being left out of the voting booth my sheer numbers. All these voting restrictions alienates Americans from voting because there is not enough opportunity to record their vote.

Take ten years off HIllary's age to run for President. Women are known from research that women's potential to government office is delayed because of family priorities. Women are not on a level playing field with men by the sheer fact women still are the primary person responsible for the family and it's happiness.

Women do not have a level paying field in opportunity, care for families including extended family or income and wealth. Women invest in the future differently. 

It is nice Former President Bill Clinton was widely accepted at the rally. Just think about that a minute. He is a husband proud of his wife and cannot conceive a path any different for her. I think it is wonderful. He is her EQUAL partner. It speaks to the success of them as a couple.