
The Text tab links to the submitted text of this amendment printed in the Congressional Record. When the amendment is proposed for consideration, a purpose will be available.

This is from Senator Paul's website:

Washington, D.C. – Sen. Ron Wyden, (click here) D-Ore., and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., announced nine amendments to reform U.S. surveillance programs, enhance protections for American’s personal information and improve transparency regarding intelligence activities. Wyden and Paul called on Republican leaders to allow votes on amendments to strengthen privacy protections, rather than forcing votes on amendments that would water down the USA Freedom Act.

You have to be able to read the small print. No, not between the lines, the small print. Senators Paul and Wyden have already read between the lines.

The joint amendments would:
·        Amendment 1446: Require the government to get a warrant before collecting personal information from third parties
·        Amendment 1441: Raise the standard for government collection of call records under FISA from “reasonable grounds” to “probable cause”
·         Amendment 1442: Limit the government’s ability to use information gathered under intelligence authorities in unrelated criminal cases (this was tabled by Senator McConnell)
·         Amendment 1443: Make it easier to challenge the use of illegally obtained surveillance information in criminal proceedings
·         Amendment 1454: Prohibit the government from requiring hardware and software companies to deliberately weaken encryption and other security features
·         Amendment 1444: Clarify the bill’s definition of “specific selection terms”
·         Amendment 1445: Require court approval for National Security Letters
·         Amendment 1455: Prohibit the government from conducting warrantless reviews of Americans’ email and other communications under section 702 of the Foreign intelligence Surveillance Act
·         Amendment 1460: Strengthen the bill with additional provisions from previously introduced surveillance reform legislation. 

I believe the laws of the USA should be strong enough to end crime. But, there is a limit. I am fairly sure someone asked the intelligence agencies if there was one of these amendments that could be eliminated what would it be? Hence, Amendment 1442.

I doubt any of these amendments are going to pass. The votes regarding amendments are on a simple majority. There is 56 "NO" votes for the first amendment. That will probably define the session depending on the wording of the amendments. They'll either swing to yes or no depending on the reinstitution of the NSA program.

It has been the practice of the Congress.gov site to print the wording of the amendments. This diversion of the actual wording of the amendments to a different website, especially the Federal Register is a definite evasion of disclosure. It is a power play against the public.