Sunday, June 21, 2015

I'll continue this dialogue until Pope Francis's message is completed.

Pope Francis has come to the influence of the papacy to end the impasse of political parties that protect their interests rather than the interests of citizens.

This is a really good example of corruption that reaches the soul.

“I hope I’m not (click here) going to get castigated for saying this by my priest back home,” Bush added, “but I don’t get my economic policy from my bishops or my cardinals or my pope.”

The words and the man who spoke them are depraved. There is no morality in those words. Those words contain excuses for corruption and continued abuse of our children's future.

The impact of the climate crisis is global and effects our allies, too. Below is the current conditions in Europe (click here). Their summers have been met with wildfires no differently than that of the USA. Russia has been also seeing plenty of fires and have caused large losses in population.

The problem is real. It is urgent. It is urgent. It is urgent. It is urgent. It is urgent. I am grateful Pope Francis has taken us into his heart in a way that provides for action and not simply dialogue. 

Pope Francis will be in the USA this year. I look forward to his visit and carrying the meaning of morality to all, including the children who will inherit an Earth stressed. Earth's inland water is disappearing. The aquifers are being drained because of the lack of rainfall. This is not the way the future should look and I hope Pope Francis will bring a message no one can deny.