Sunday, June 14, 2015

I doubt Texas learned a lesson about it's extremist gun laws from this. I know I did.

This was one man. A man with pain, but, that is not the issue. He obviously loved his son and didn't get enough time with him. I learned a long time ago that children are catalysts to all kinds of change in a person's life. Parents should never be denied a significant role with their children. That said, that isn't what I learned here.

One man did significant damage to a police infrastructure. I think the police in Dallas were exceptionally lucky and you can call it faith if you want, but, some times a lesson needs to be learned regardless of divine intervention.

The Dallas police were pinned down to say the least and it wasn't until Mr. Boulware left the police station were authorities able to defeat him. I can't believe the police had to DEFEAT one man. 

This is real easy. The USA has many enemies, but, few are as insidious as Daesh. I take it Mr. Boulware, age 35 years old, had no idealization of Daesh in his life. In that realize what could happen to American infrastructure if he did and had friends. 

A militia in the USA is not a difficult thing to achieve. The extreme use of the 2nd Amendment can very well prove to be the USA's undoing.