Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Republican Congress should sincerely identify the American Burying Beetle likes carrion.

The American burying beetle, (click here) (Nicrophorus americanus) Oliver is a member of the carrion beetle family Silphidae. Carrion beetles, as their name implies, are an important part of a vast host of scavengers that are responsible for recycling decaying materials back into the ecosystem. They are also referred to as burying beetles or sexton beetles. There are 570 species of silphids found worldwide, and 31 of them occur in North America. There are 18 species in Nebraska....

The American burying beetle is necessary in the ecosystem to EAT all the dead stuff sitting around.

...West of the Appalachians, the decline occurred later. In the Midwest, the decline appears to have proceeded generally from the center of the range outward, with all collections since 1960 occurring at the peripheries of the range.
The American burying beetle is now found in only six states: Nebraska, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Kansas, and Arkansas. There are now ongoing attempts to reintroduce it into Ohio and Massachesetts.
In 1983 the American burying beetle was included as an endangered species in the Invertebrate Red Book published by the Intemational Union for the Conservation of Nature. In the United States, it was proposed as an endangered species in 1988 and was placed on the state and federal endangered species lists in August 1989....

It could very well be that the pesticides used by Monsanto is causing the scarcity of the vital insects and animals needed to maintain healthy soil.

...In Nebraska, the Sandhills is just such an area, and it is there that the beetles have been recently rediscovered. Gothenburg, Brady, North Platte and the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge are all locales in which beetles are now found....

The map above is where the Nebraska Sandhills are found. Well, looky thar. There is an aquifer under the Nebraska Sandhills. And guess what the Republicans want to build through the Nebraska Sandhills? Go ahead, guess. I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

These animals and insects are protected by the Endangered Species.Act because they are very important to the soils of the USA. The ignorant and hate filled Republican majority needs to get over themselves.