Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Republicans won't allow closure of Gitmo.

There is also an amendment submitted by Rep. Nadler to close Gitmo. He states the camp has been unable to proceed with trials at all. He wants to transfer the existing detainees to USA facilities to conduct trials and allow proper disposition of the prisoners.

I remind, Gitmo is a POW camp. The idea this is to remain open forever is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. There are terrorists held now in prisons on the US mainland before Gitmo has become a political icon to the Republicans.

Rep. Dent is opposing the amendment. Is everything the Republicans using for political dialogue designed to alienate the USA from long standing law and international treaties?

Bush created this problem at Gitmo. He removed the USA from the Geneva Conventions in order to invade Iraq. One of the reasons Gitmo remains open is to insure the corruption by Bush and Cheney stays in place to prevent accusations of human rights violations at Gitmo in torture.

By maintaining the corruption at Gitmo election after election it appears to dilute the responsibility of the corruption to subsequent administrations as a necessity to the sovereign duty of the DOD to protect the country.

In the face of that reality, the DOD camp needs to be closed and all detainees transferred to the US mainland for trial and disposition to end the corruption of our military and it's sovereign purpose.