Thursday, April 09, 2015

Put your finger down.

Senator Paul will not achieve the position of nominee if he battles with the media.

It would appear as though Senator Paul does what most Republicans do; externalize the responsibility for their lack of acceptance. 

As a rule, Democrats look at a situation and decides what is within their power to change it. I have my ideas as to why that is, but, if Senator Paul sincerely wants the nomination rather than fall in line with the heirarchy, he has to internalize his frustrations and find a way to be understood in the media regardless of their leanings.

The American media is not a child - adult relationship. Quite the contrary. It is probably more an adult - child voice that does not insult the integrity of anyone. At least the US media isn't suppose to. FOX is always a problem child when it comes to ethics.

Senator Paul is capable of changing his ability to communicate his qualities and priorities to all Americans if he chooses to do so. There will be Americans that disagree with some of his views regardless of political party. He needs to seek their understanding and not their victimization.