Saturday, April 04, 2015

I find that statement about RIFR by Jeb Bush very interesting.

He said, "I didn't expect the backlash...."

It shows he is not prepared to be the President of the USA. When he stated he didn't expect the backlash he was simply following the politics of his party. I guarantee you even today he hasn't familiarized himself to the law. 

Then he continued his endorsement of Governor Pence's RFIR law. He stated, "...when all the facts are established..."

That is a familiar Republican paradigm for lies and deceptions to the electorate. Rather than stating the law may not be necessary under our Constitution he postponed his decision waiting for the facts.

Do Republicans lie? Do they deceive? You betcha, one of the hallmarks of Republican governance is to manipulate the public to prevent backlash and when it happens no one is wrong in the first place and the public over reacted. The Public must be nothing more than basket cases and primarily women who listen to every word their spouses tell them.

I think one of the most famous and current reflections of the SOP Republican Lie belongs to Senator Bob Corker and the VW union vote. That man lied about every aspect of the presence of a union with VW. The company thought it was a good idea to have a union, because, their corporate structure requires representation of the labor force in management decisions. 

The lies didn't start with Senator Corker, they stated with partisan politics at the state level in Kentucky. 

February 11, 2014 
By Steven Greenhouse

...State Senator Bo Watson, (click here) who represents a suburb of Chattanooga, warned on Monday that if VW’s workers voted to embrace the U.A.W., the Republican-controlled Legislature might vote against approving future incentives to help the plant expand.

“The members of the Tennessee Senate will not view unionization as in the best interest of Tennessee,” Mr. Watson said at a news conference. He added that a pro-U.A.W. vote would make it “exponentially more challenging” for the legislature to approve future subsidies....

That level of interference with a PRIVATE COMPANY is incredibly invasive to a person's work place and is a threat to their future of holding down a job. Now I would expect if the company was practicing coercion in the work place by threatening employees with their jobs in a general statement, as in voting practices and/or religious expression, enforcing a 'desired culture;' it would be appropriate to ask local prosecutors and/or even the SBI to investigate or simply refer the employees to a US Attorney regarding labor laws in Kentucky.

February 20, 2014
By Stephen Crockett

Last week’s Volkswagen worker unionization vote (click here) in Tennessee was the dirtiest union election of the 21st Century with all the dirty tactics coming from outside anti-union political forces.

Without the intimidation and lies of elected Tennessee Republicans along with billionaire financed national right-wing groups, the union would almost surely have won the union representation vote. (A slim majority of 53 percent of plant workers opposed unionization.)...

But, for a US Senator to back the threats made by state legislators and act completely unethically in his capacity there should have been ethics investigation of the US Senator with a referral to state investigators to close the loop with others involved in the lies to and manipulation of the public.

There is a level of privacy innate to any work place. Bathrooms, break time, phone calls to others within work break times, lunch and socializing or not with peers and the list goes on. The relationship with the company is extremely important and to realize state and federal legislators will put their thumb on the scale through abuse of power is outrageous. The legislators lied about everything and today the UAW has a union in the VW plant anyway. 

That is why Republicans count on their image and ability to manipulate the public. The will become a member of the dinner table without even knowing a family because that is the image they portray. 

The FIDUCIARY relationship between Republicans and there electorate is chronically unethical and invades a home's privacy.

Their favorite statement is "...when all the facts are in, things will be seen differently." They are calming the waters so THEIR interpretation of political atmospherics will prevail. Doesn't it usually? When Republicans step into a situation and state the facts will bear out, don't they usually? And normally those that challenged Republicans are to be meek and apologetic to all that is possible under that interpretation of events.

In regard to Pence? He has from the beginning been lying. He is still lying. He won't stop lying because rather than the truth he has hung his hat on a lie and now he has to make the lie the truth.

Good governance is not simply 'the best in political theater.' It is actually knowing and understanding what is occurring within the legislative process, judicial process and the actual power leveraged by legislation. A Republican will lie and simply pat any objector on the head and send them out to play in a world unfit for their daily lives. 

When citizens 'act up' in opposition to something said or legislated, what is going on there? Sometimes it's politics, but, Americans have an inherent knowledge of their lives and their idea of good governance. When people strongly oppose government in the USA it is because the 'status quo' in their lives has been rattled. People know 'when something is wrong.' They know when their lives have been affected by an act of government. That 'knowing' is important because within it is 'the lie' facing the Republican politicians and THEIR BACKLASH against the public. 

It is not up to the public to take time out of their daily lives to fight for their rights. Their elected officials are suppose to know the rights afforded the people under the constitution and act accordingly. People should not be upset because a politician is voting or acting in opposition to their understanding of the laws within the life they lead. 

Legislation is not suppose to remove rights from people or penalize them unfairly enforcing poverty or poor health that can kill them. Legislation is to address new ideas that will enhance the electorates' quality of life or solve problems, which might be the same thing. The legislative process is not suppose to come out of the woodwork like cockroaches. It isn't suppose to be Citigroup handing a politician an amendment TO DEEPLY IMPORTANT legislation like the US Budget. 

Those elected are suppose to live up to the moral obligations of providing for THE PUBLIC GOOD and protection. Now compare that to what happened in Kentucky over VW. Reflect now on the completely inappropriate RFRA laws and know they assault not only human rights, but, legal standing of an entire class of people in the USA. 

Indiana's RFRA law is unconstitutional and we know it. It allows discrimination and we know it. We know Pence is lying to appease his so called "base" and bring about discrimination and hatred of the LGBT community. Hate? Yes, because all this will be interpreted by some of the electorate or public (which is not the same thing, but, should be) as permission to grow hatred and to influence the outcomes of elections at the cost of human quality of life or life itself. Do I have to give examples?  

What is more important is the Republicans not only lie, but, they know they are lying. When they state, "...when all the facts are known..." they are looking for wiggle room to make the lie the truth. That is very passive aggressive. It just is. The lie that becomes the truth mostly is to appease and provide services to the cronies that elected them. It is not about the people. It is for that reason Republicans are mostly untrustworthy of the votes and power they are provided. 

The Indiana RFRA law should have never made it the Governor's Desk, yet alone the legislative agenda. But, governance by Republicans means acting in the best interest of their 'base electorate,' which is not the public because Republicans practice voter oppression as in the 2000 Dade County purging of the African American electorate.

So, for those that look at this entry and state, THOSE simple words caused all this? I say, it sure did, so stop lying.

Oh, one more thing. 

Harry Reid. 

He didn't lie, he just wasn't as quick on his feet as he should have been. I am quite confident when he stated as Senate Majority Leader, "Romney didn't pay taxes," it was to provide an impetus to disclosure that the public was clamoring for. I doubt Senator Reid knew whether or not Romeny paid taxes, but, it sure appeared to be the case. Senator Reid could not rifle through IRS forms to LEAK a definitive statement, he simply came to conclusions most of the electorate was coming to.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid knew he should find a way and there was a lot going on to bring about a disclosure of which at least the 47% wanted from Romney. The statement by Harry was somewhat proven a lie as well when Romney at the very least disclosed two tax returns. 

I have to laugh when pundits today state, "Hillary must have something to hide because she didn't turn over the server (which doesn't belong to her, but, her spouse that happens to be the Former President of the USA) and erased private emails. It is one thing to be a strong Democratic candidate and have their reputation played with and it is quite another to be a wealthy Republican candidate and be proud of the fact he didn't want to disclose his tax returns. 

There were many issues with Romney. He had absolutely no foreign affairs experience, he coveted his income tax filings and he pandered to wealthy donors by mocking 47% of the population when the economy had dumped so many at the doorstep of poverty or worse in 2008. He had no empathy, which is strongly Republican. Romney's credentials is counter culture to the majority of the people of the USA. He annihilated companies that provided work for Americans and called it moral at his garage sales. It wasn't Harry Reid that caused the defeat of Mitt Romney, it was Romney himself.