Friday, March 20, 2015

Thank you, Ms. Blackburn.

This is a picture of Ms. Blackburn. Her right hand forefinger gets a workout continually. She is dangerous to the American people. These people are seeking to end the federal government to the detriment of the country and it's people. They don't care, they want to end the federal government of the USA with the exception of their war department.

The 2016 Budget Plan includes raiding Social Security Trust Fund.

Marsha Blackburn and a few others are holding up Immigration Reform because they want to raid the Social Security fund, FIRST. They want to remove the monies in the Social Security Fund placed there by the Undocumented. It is not stated what will happen with these funds, but, it is fully evident the House Republicans have linked Social Security with Immigration Reform in order to defeat both. 

Blackburn complains there are phones not answered at the US Immigration Offices and she is unable to resolve problems for her immigrating Kurds. She refuses to understand this is one of the problems that occurs with negligence of immigration reform. 

The monies in SSI were put there lawfully and taking the Undocumented as hostages to insure the GOP has enough time to destroy SSI is not reasonable, nor humanitarian. 

The Blackburn Cabal on the Budget Committee wants the entire world to respect the word of law and practice economics as the USA practices it. These folks are crazy and don't give one damn about the Americans in this country and only interested in their ideological goals. To think Marsha Blackburn EVEN WENT THERE to a fund Americans rely on in their older years is to speak to the lack of morality of this Republican Congress. 

Any bill, even if attached to any budget bill will be vetoed and rightfully so.