Sunday, January 18, 2015

It is Sunday Night and the Republicans' new code word for women is anxiety. Republican strategies are very predatory. Making anxiety a Republican cause is a herd call for sympathy for women.

Forget about the glass ceiling or empowerment, the Republicans prefer women as basket cases to pander to for votes.

by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP (click here)
Many women operate in an ever-present state of low anxiety or worry, also called generalized anxiety that may blossom into episodes of full-blown panic attacks, phobia or anxiety disorders during times of psychological stress or biological change — like menopause.
A majority of my patients with chronic anxiety are so accustomed to living with it – often since childhood — that they don’t even mention it until I ask or until they begin perimenopause and their anxiety symptoms worsen.
Anxiety and worry are knots of both emotions and physiology feelings. Most psychologists look at anxiety as purely emotional: the outward sign of repressed negative feelings and inner conflict. But over 30 years of scientific research into severe anxiety disorders and panic attacks has established that all anxiety has a real, physiological cause that is just as important to treat — especially for relief of anxiety related to hormonal imbalance....