Monday, January 12, 2015

The USA can solve it's own problems with abuse of power, because, it's citizens know the truth and are unfraid.

...In an email, (click here) Krause related that at the UNHRC hearing, Roy L. Austin, Jr, referred to the deaths of the students as “murder.” Krause says she will be following up with Austin and copying the UN on all correspondence.

She is also planning to request a UN special rapporteur in extrajudicial killings.
The United States government is required, in the next year, to answer to the charges made by the Kent State Truth Tribunal. Perhaps by the next anniversary of this sorry date in American history, the families will have received justice.

For the four Kent State students, however, they found the cost of freedom, and the price was their lives.

One year and the deaths of Ohio will begin it's justice. No killing, no self-righteousness; only armed with "The Truth" and a global community that believes in it.