Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Unrealistic hope is what drives Republican donors and voters.

The reason the antics of Republicans are beginning now is to drive the hope there will be enough political oppression so they have a 2/3rds majority to defeat any Presidential veto and carry out impeachment to place Speaker Boner in the White House. The Repuglicans, including Boner, will carry on like this until the 2016 elections. They believe flying in the face of a consistently growing economy (which by the way is SUPPOSE to be occurring with the up spring of small local economic growth), falling national deficit, reducing fiscal impact of Medicare and reducing permanent increases to the national debt); a dysfunctional government compromising the gains of the Obama Economy will bring voters to their side. 

They have amazing egos, don't they?

Small local economies have larger fiscal caches of money than companies in a collective assessment. However, that cache of cash and credit within a small business local economy is divided by the number of entrepreneurs. The ability of this economic growth to be a FLASH IN THE PAN ECONOMY is nearly zero percent of having 2008 happen again. 

We want consistent and sustainable growth in the USA. Flash in the pan economies are those of Wall Street bubble and bust.

Wasn't it President Obama who stated in 2009 the USA needs a stable and sustainable economy? Yes, it was. He has achieved yet another promise.