Sunday, December 07, 2014

Maintaining priorities

The USA should have left troops in Iraq. "W"rong. US Troops would have prolonged the discovery of the Islamic State. The covert methods of the Islamic State provided for it's brutal methods and strategic ability. 

It is not up to the USA to patrol the world and bring order. It is up to regional authorities to govern.

Ethnic cleansing and ethnic wars especially in the Middle East can be addressed, by regional countries deciding on the best method to use to bring about peace through cooperation.

- End financing of jihad.

- Maintain a consistent method to end internal wars

- Allowing groups like the Islamic State to exist is the tail waging the dog, not methods to maintain the peace. The Muslim faith within these countries is capable of great peace and cooperation. It is the insurgents within the countries, such as the Bat'thists post Saddam that can result in complete breakdown in governance. Prolonged war is not the answer. The regional authorities should be deciding if a country's leadership, ie: Assad, is causing destabilization of the region. 

The region of the world has a strong characteristic to be a powder keg. First distancing from war as a solution and finally stabilizing the region with established methods to maintain peace has to be set by the countries involved. The Middle East has to take control over their regional governance and prevent war mongering from people like Senator John McCain to result in problems such as Syria. 

I have witnessed great cooperation before within these countries before. The desire for peace and prosperity for all the people regardless of their ethnicity or religious identity is the path forward. It is one thing to denounce President Assad for human rights abuses, it is quite something else to invade a sovereign country.

The Middle East has every right to complain about The West when it interferes with it's determined goals. I have not witnessed any Arab leader in recent years demanding the death of specific citizens in cleansing/genocide. The last time that occurred it was 50,000 dead Shi'ites in Iraq in 2002 when there was an uprising due to the lack of water to their wetlands and communities.

Iraq post Kuwait was defeated in advancing border wars with the No Fly Zones. What needed to occur were additional pressures on Saddam to end the hatred of the Shi'ites. Oddly enough, the Kurds were protected by the No Fly Zone in the north. The Shi'ites in the south were protected which caused Saddam to work within central Iraq to cut off the water supply to the south, resulting in an uprising.

The Holy Men in the region have to stop using hate between religious difference as a means to prayer, a relationship with Allah and way to maintain their own power. Killing and dying is not noble nor is it virtuous when it can be defined as a human rights violation or in the case of the Islamic State genocide. Peaceful lives whereby longevity is judged by God is more a trial of the soul than short lived existence to be used as a weapon.

Where The West and other countries failed was in never understanding the jihadist groups in the region and their ability to effect deaths. The only time The West bothered to understand the ability these groups had on the people was AFTER the violence began that caused destabilization of a local or national authority.

The radicalized groups in the Middle East are accepted by the populous they govern, including the Taliban, in fear but also because they are given food, water and a way to make a living. The Taliban (militia not ethnicity) pre-Afghanistan war did govern, about 8 years. They did so by 'the gun' and adaptable rules of the faith, but, they did govern and people were able to have a living. The Taliban governed harshly in an unforgiving method, but, so long as everyone knew the rules there was governance. I don't recall the Taliban ever causing genocide among one ethnic group or the other. The Taliban did behave somewhat because of the oppositional Northern Alliance. The Taliban was actually more tolerant of diversity than Saddam Hussein. They tolerated bin Laden which was a mistake on their part.

There has to be regional governance, I thought think that evident. It can begin by ending the flow of small arms across their borders.

Stop relying on Israel for the only intelligence in the region. The leaders of these countries know their people.