Saturday, November 22, 2014

Is Brooks a good legislator or simply a puppet of the super rich?

The US House doesn't have faith in the President. Well. The public has no faith in the US House. That should tell the Republicans all they need to know. Republicans believe they can 'have it their way' while stating at the same time electorate lacks any confidence in 'their way.' The Republicans like to claim the support of the public, when in fact there is no source of information that reflects that as a fact.

The Republicans treat legislation as if every member of the public has a vote, but, when they finally vote it is in defiance of the public. In support of that fact is a President asking the American people to leverage their power to pass legislation, ie: debt ceiling, etc.

The Repuglicans wake up believing every day is a new day without a history of the past. The Repuglicans chronically truncate 'the moment' from the truth.

There was an incredible demonstration of the way Repuglicans spin their message by lying 'within the moment.' It was on "All In with Chris Hayes" on Friday evening. Mo Brooks of Alabama actually twisted Hayes words as he answered the question before him. Then the 'new' definition became part of the rant he continued to state. That is not a trustworthy legislator. That is a legislator that lives for power and no other reason. The slicker he is the more he is the desired candidate according to Repuglican politics.

Brooks wanted to succeed in creating a liar of Hayes. It was a joke to watch that man screw around with the truth and turn it into a lie.

Is there any wonder why the southern states are in such poor condition. That performance by Brooks made me realize why no one can defeat him. He creates his own reality and reinforces with the electorate. If the electorate believes in the lie are they going to vote for anyone stating the truth?

The truth when engaged in politics is a wonderful thing. It is ground in facts and allows anyone to understand an issue. It is possible to change an election when the truth is the basis of the election. But, when the electorate has bought into the lies of politics, it is nearly impossible to change an election. The lie will dominate the electorate and they will suffer because of it. The lies become a part of the core belief system of the electorate. In the case of the southern USA that core belief is embedded with Bible quotes. I have shown on this blog the perilous course of people with a faux belief system based in Biblical quotes. That level of deceit is passed on generation after generation in the southern states. It is a culture that ends in poverty. Is that any surprise?

One would consider it easy to run against these very corrupt politicians, however there is peril in doing so. The perilous path of truth is when it becomes adverse to Repuglicans elections. FOX News compounds the lie and validates it over and over in their propaganda. A lie, at FOX News, becomes the truth. If all the media were interested in the truth it might even bring about governance rather than chronic politics.

The politicians like Brooks count on FOX picking up his lead and running with it. FOX has a methodology that likes to dismiss any idea they are causing harm in their politics. To FOX it is all a matter of who wins and who loses. This methodology is inherent in FOX. The same paradigm exists in Australia and Great Britain. Supposedly, Saint FOX comes forward to thwart 'the establishment' while empowering 'the little people.' The Crown. Australia continues to identify with Great Britain. FOX assails 'the crown' to make them more human and less out of reach. FOX carries it forward with a democracy in the USA. It destroys the very essence of democracy.

See, FOX isn't used to being the winner in any other country where it is media. The Crown is always the crown. There is no election for the crown. So assailing The Crown brings about the ability of people to proclaim their own morality. The people then become as moral or more so than their supreme leaders.

FOX goes beyond any form of morality when it takes license with all aspects of life. They discard privacy or propriety to achieve their assault of any power structure. It was seen when they hacked cell phones of a young woman already dead, there was also hacking into the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown in relation to one of his children. I think it was Brown. 

The point is FOX prides itself as a power undaunted regardless of the outcomes. In the case of the USA it takes those willing to be corrupt to the power of money as their champions in any election. So, can the USA government ever be true to it's constitution and it's promises to the people of an American Dream? No. So long as power is allowed and even encouraged to be corrupt, there will be chronic failings of the democracy. The southern states are 'stuck.' They are stuck with their own unreality enforced by those that want to control power rather than participate in it.