Sunday, November 16, 2014

Muslim on Muslim crime.

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister David Cameron (click here) has condemned the Islamic State group as a "depraved organization" after the extremists released a video claiming to show that militants have beheaded U.S. aid worker Peter Kassig....

By his own choice Mr. Kassig was Muslim with a very different name. I think that should be respected.

His name was Abdul-Rahman Kassig. I make this statement to understand the Islamic State is a brutal regime that kills members of the Muslim faith without regret. It's doesn't matter Sunni or Shi'ite or Sunni Kurd, they become victims at the please of the Islamic States.

Aid workers need to identify better and safer routes to the citizens of Syria that still remain within it's borders. I suggest the ports are possibly a safer way to deliver goods to workers. The passage through Syria is not safe.

There may be some safe routes elsewhere and I would encourage surrounding countries to assist in finding those safe routes. Finding safe routes for aid workers will reduce the numbers of people seeking refugee status. The surrounding countries are correct to limit refugees because of the danger of infiltration of the Islamic State. Although, I am sure there are members of this hideous regime that 'want out' at any cost, they are still oddly among those that have been devout in their religious affiliations.

I would suggest for members of the Islamic State that want to leave, become witnesses to the World Court and surrender with information to the structure of the regime and how oppression is delivered as well as how victims come to their justice system. Beheadings, hangings, crucifixions, stonings are all methods of justice outlined in religious texts. They are primitive and need no infrastructure and are instructional to the outcomes of those who do not practice ultraconservative Islam.

"And with Allah's permission ... the Islamic State will soon ... begin to slaughter your people in your streets."

They are already slaughtering people in the streets. Are the people dying under this regime not people? What are they then? Objects. I've heard of S and M, but, this takes it to an entirely illegal and immoral level.

The format of the video was different from previous such announcements, not only because it showed other beheadings but also because these were shown in graphic detail. The purported location was also disclosed, the northern Syrian town of Dabeq.

This is the exact same justice system as practiced by the Taliban. It is pulled out of the texts of religion and applied to the 21st century populous.

The ability of these regimes, be it the Islamic State or Taliban, to simply find guns and begin their own society by using religious text as it's governance is incredible in this day and age. This is prehistoric rituals pulled from ancient religion. The 'idea' this brutality and LIFESTYLE is handed down by Mohammad is hideous and completely out of step with 21st century reality. How does it happen these tribal people become victim to these maniacal regimes that appear out of nowhere. Do these madmen wake up one morning and decide "If I am going to prison or worse for killing people, then everyone else will, too." This is complete craziness to have these people armed and able to overrun any ounce of civilized society.

There are segments of American society that cling to the past, but, they aren't so desperate they kill others and seek to rule the entire country.

The leaders of the regimes are primarily war criminals and should be treated as such.

"Here we are burying the first American crusader in Dabeq. Eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive," he says.

This is the impetus to the kidnappings and killings. The West goes right along with it and becomes involved in quagmire after quagmire. The Crusades weren't enough for them?

The point is the 'type' of regime is seen not uniquely in Syria, but, also in Pakistan and Afghanistan and who knows how many more places, like Nigeria. And in the case of Nigeria there is an economic reason it sprouted in the first place.

These regimes are taking example from past horrific regimes as Rwanda and realizing they are successful once the oppression of the people is achieved. Time after time this same method of regime occurs around the world. When is the religious antics of these regimes going to be recognized and disarmed of their validity according to religious texts?

There needs to begin a hearing in absentia of all these regime members to bring them to a common understanding they are going to prison and most likely executed. The World Court needs to begin the trials and then as they are captured, if they are captured instead of killed, their sentences carried out.

These regimes are known, their methodologies inhumane and premeditated. In order to carry out reproductive genocide there is a plan to do it. They are selective in their methodologies. 

There is also the issue of child soldiers. We know for a fact from their own "You Tube" releases they begin the incorporation of children into the regime as soon as they can begin to learn. That reality is brutally imposed on children without regret. Even fathers don't care about the longevity of their sons. The sons are to die for Allah in hideous approaches to war. The men simply have the women producing their 'get.' There is no love between father and son. I doubt there is love between a man and their women. The relationships within this regime is about producing soldiers.