Wednesday, October 15, 2014

When a President talks to an empty chair in his cabinet, his time is now consumed with understanding the SPECIALITY of that cabinet member, looking for others to fill in as a surrogate to his office and then administering that protocol himself through his surrogates.

Scrambling to catch up is NOT good policy!

The United States is lucky it has a lawyer in the White House. Lawyers, as a rule, are quick studies and don't make decisions based in what is possible financially so much as what is necessary.

"Good job, Brownie." When cabinet secretaries are worse than the qualifications for the position, the public has a problem. Cabinet secretaries should not be political cronies AND there should not be infrastructure created to satisfy cronies and donors either. Packing an administration with political appointees to protect those elected creates a burden to the system and greater inefficiency.

The media picked up where Bush left off. Keep it up. Thank you.