Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The West knows exactly who is involved with foreign extremism.

There is no sovereign threat to The West. So, what is all this mess about war.

June 15, 2014
By Martin Chulov

...The treasure trove (click here) included names and noms de guerre of all foreign fighters, senior leaders and their code words, initials of sources inside ministries and full accounts of the group's finances.
"We were all amazed and so were the Americans," a senior intelligence official told the Guardian. "None of us had known most of this information."
Officials, including CIA officers, were still decrypting and analysing the flash sticks when Abu Hajjar's prophecy was realised. Isis swept through much of northern and central Iraq over three stunning days, seizing control of Mosul and Tikrit and threatening Kirkuk as three divisions of the Iraqi army shed their uniforms and fled....

Dempsey is playing to fear without bothering to include the information The West has to remove any threat from ISIS/L members to sovereignty. What Dempsey needs to advocate to Congress is the fact training other nation's military while supplying them with state of the art hardware is a very BAD IDEA!

You know when Iran threw the Shah out of the country it wasn't because they had a caravan of military tanks into Tehran. It didn't take a military presence to stop the USA tanks in Najaf. It took people and plenty of them mired in their own belief of god. That's all it took. 

So, now the great United States is going to bomb over the sovereign borders of Syria as an excuse they use ISIS/L. There is absolutely no guarantee any actions by The West within the sovereign borders of Syria will change a damn thing. 

The USA needs to stop killing people.

...The strategic acumen of Isis was impressive – so too its attention to detail. "They had itemised everything," the source said. "Down to the smallest detail."...

This is the middle of JUNE of 2014. Excuse me? The Liar's Club didn't stop with Bush and Cheney. The propagandists of the Psy-Ops are still running game on the people of the USA. And, of course, the USA media simply thinks the fear and war is the best ad attraction they have. How many are paying more attention to USA media today because of the hideous propensity of military proliferation wherever the military industrial complex can find it?

Whatever happened to the genocide on Mount Sinjar? It's over, huh? Right. The fact of the matter is there was a path cleared and people left the danger. AND. When The West finally landed via helicopter it was realized the circumstances of those people were not what was being ADVERTISED. I hate to tell you I told you so, but, I told you so.

August 14, 2014
By Abdelhamid Zebari

Dohuk (Iraq) (AFP) - An American assessment team (click here) found "far fewer" Yazidis trapped in northern Iraq than expected, making an evacuation mission less likely, as the flight of minority groups from advancing jihadists showed no let-up Thursday....


With Carmeron and Obama wanting to be the next "W," Cheney and Blair wannabees, but, with their own personal flair, I want answers to questions such as, "How many young men left their countries to fight in Syria because of The West's desire to kill Syrians and CLEAN UP THE PLACE?" 

How much spending occurred because of the USA Media preceived threat of the next world war with ground zero being ISIS/L? 

What is The West doing to end the presence in Iraq? What is The West doing to secure Afghanistan from being a colony of Pakistan? What is The West doing to end the threat of political instability in Pakistan, hence, nuclear threat to the entire region? What are the PERMANENT fixes to non-proliferation globally to end the threat beginning with Pakistan?

Housekeeping in the Middle East has to stop. Now! 

When is the USA Congress FINALLY going to do something productive in regard to global climate security? When is war going to FIND DEATH rather than administering it? When is Dempsey going to stop being the puppet of the USA military industrial complex?