Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Same old right wing macho baloney finally caused death.

Tony Stewart has no problems. He didn't kill anyone. Ward got out of his car and looked for Stewart's car coming around the track. Stewart never asked to have a person angry enough at him to put his life in danger for his fans.

August 10, 2014
By Cornne Heller
NASCAR (click here) champion Tony Stewart is under police investigation after hitting and killing a fellow driver, Kevin Ward Jr., during a Sprint dirt-track car race....

The race is open wheels which is inherently dangerous by its nature. The racing association have to make rules to prevent grandstanding. It is necessary for drivers to exit a car in case there is fire, but, to seek attention and revenge on the track is asking for the award of jackass. Ward didn't value his own life enough. In that is permission to put this fans in the same illogical machismo. 

I don't appreciate the grandstanding for ratings with his fans. The racing industry is as much responsible for not ending this poor sportsmanship a long time ago. 

FOX has been stoking the fires to pressing charges. It is nonsense. If anyone needs to have charges pressed against him it is the late Kevin Ward, Jr.