Sunday, August 31, 2014

Russia is no longer predictable which results in no confidence.

Economic alliances between countries are suppose to matter. When a major country turns away from economic development for simply the politics of changing borders it only proves there is no substance to any international agreement.

This is Russia's GDP. In 2009 there was a loss in GDP of 7.8 percent following the global economic collapse. 2010 rallied to 4.5 percent, but, it never got better than than. 2012 fell again to 3.4 percent and 2013 was no better experiencing only a growth of 1.3 percent.

In comparison Saudi Arabia dwarf all those years by 9.7 percent in 2009 and 2.5 percent more in 2013. Russia is an oil exporting country, but, it's performance is very low compared to others with the same product.

Not only that, but, there is absolutely no regard for human life or dignity to back rebels that kill indiscriminately and recklessly. Putin's answer to controlling the weapons that bring down jets with innocent people aboard is to expand a war rather than end it.

There is no accountability. If there is no accountability, there can be no confidence in Russia anymore.

Russia simply does not live up to any alliances be they economic or military. Russia makes up the rules for itself as time passes. There is no substance to the country when it breaks international laws and agreements. How could there be?

More and more Russia is looking like a country prepared for war rather than peace. Russia needs new leadership.